For the Student – Do-It-Yourself

Each one of us can steer the school into a low-carbon direction. Is the rest of the school community with us? Together we are capable of more impressive actions than alone. What’s the suitable amount of responsibility for an individual?

Do you already have some climate know-how or would you like to learn more? Check out the know-how badges in the attached board game. The “School Climate Expert” entity is compiled of exercises aiming for a carbon neutral school. With the know-how badges you can show your existing know-how, or the know-how you acquire after doing these exercises. Let’s fix the school on our own, but together.

For now all the badges and the handbook are available only in Finnish. You can check out the badge themes below in English. English and Swedish translations coming later!

Handbook (Later in English) Badge themes briefly (PDF)

The entity of these exercises scopes the size of one upper secondary school course and contains exercises compatible with the new upper secondary school curriculum, the goal of which is to repair your school toward being carbon neutral. The coordinating teacher at your school will evaluate your know-how badge performance. Each section is composed of exercises mapping out the current state of your school. At the end of the Food, Motion, and Infrastructure sections you can innovate and design a repair plan for a target of your choosing. At the end of the Attitude section you can work on progressing one repair target. Please contact us if you’re interested in the badges so we can see if completing the badges is possible in your school.

How to Proceed?

  • Enroll to the coordinating teacher of your school
  • Log in (not mandatory)
    – If you’d like, you can create an account in the Open Badge Passport service and get your own know-how badge passport.
  • Work
    – Familiarize yourself with the badge applications for each exercise on the Open Badge Factory website via the links below the picture, do the exercises OR show your existing know-how pertaining to an exercise in the application in an attached file, for example. Note that this does not require logging in, only an e-mail address.
  • Apply
    – When the badge application has been filled, apply for the know-how badge by sending the application to the coordinating teacher at your school.
  • Profit
    – Use the skill badges you receive for example for applying for upper secondary school course credits, when seeking a job, in postgraduate studies, in volunteer work, in hobbies etc.

What Does the School Climate Expert Badge Entail?

The School Climate Expert know-how badge consists of 42 separate badge applications, some of which are easier, some are compiling exercises, and some take 45 minutes. Each section consists of badges mapping out the current state of your school. At the end of the Food, Motion, and Infrastructure sections you can innovate and design a repair plan for a target of your choosing. At the end of the Attitude section you can work on progressing one repair target.

  • 2 easy know-how badges introducing the topic. You can find additional information on the Introduction page and on pages 5–6  in the handbook (so far only in Finnish). More information on the Upper Secondary Student’s Climate Calculator can be found here.
  • 35 know-how badges with which you can show your climate know-how in different sections
    Food: 8 exercises
    Motion: 8 exercises
    Infrastructure: 8 exercises
    Attitude: 11 exercises
  • 5 compiling badges:
    4 meta badges:
    After successfully completing the micro badges in each section you can apply for the meta badges in the Food, Motion, Infrastructure, and Attitude sections
    Super badge
    After completing all other badges you can apply for the School Climate Expert super badge
  • If you’d like, you can apply for upper secondary school course credits with the completed School Climate Expert know-how badge.
  • You can find further information in the Handbook (so far only in Finnish, link on the Do-It-Yourself page).

What Do All the Different Badges Mean?

The School Climate Expert know-how badge signifies the following:

  • Micro badge = about 45 minutes per exercise in this entity
  • Meta badge = a badge compiling the micro badges in one section. Food, Motion, Infrastructure, and Attitude meta badges.
  • Super badge = a main badge compiling all micro and meta badges, the School Climate Expert.
  • Participation badge = a badge requiring participation, but no need to show your know-how
  • Know-how badge = a badge which requires showing your know-how. There are know-how badges of different scopes.
  • Applying for a badge = fill the badge application on the Open Badge Factory website by either doing the exercises in the Repair Manual or by showing your existing climate know-how by sending, for example, an attached file to the evaluating teacher.
  • Completing a badge = the evaluating teacher must approve the application. If the badge application was not approved, you can work on the application more and send it for evaluation again.

Read more

Osaamismerkit Ilmasto-osaaja Osaamismerkit Climate
Climate imprint. You and 100,000 adolescents. Download the “Upper Secondary Student's Climate Calculator” app and calculate.
The school
as a system
The school as a system. The school as a part of systemic change. Read and familiarize yourself.
Emissions of the food system. School food as a source of emissions. Read and answer the multiple-choice questions.
Food visions. Play with food. Contemplate the food revolution of the future.
Lunch carbon footprint. Lunch footprint. Calculate and compare.
Going with the queue and menu. Is it even possible to choose climate friendly food? Map it out and estimate.
Key numbers of dining. Emissions of dining. Find out the carbon footprint.
School meal support. Are we being guided? Familiarize yourself and contemplate.
Food choices. What would you like to change? Choose and map out.
Food actions. Quality climate influence. Plan ahead.
META BADGE: Food. The climate state of your school meals. Test drive the changes with the calculator.
Transportation emissions. Transportation as a source of emissions. Read and answer the multiple-choice questions.
School commute vision. Commuting to school yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Research and envision.
Your way to school. School commute emissions alone and in a group. Calculate, compare, and scale.
Others’ school commute. Diversity of school commuting. Ask, analyze, and compare.
School trips. Schools go on trips, emissions are created. Research and calculate.
Transportation preconditions. Who decides the vehicle? Find out.
Transportation choices. Motion is an action. Choose and map out.
Transportation actions. Deliberated influencing. Plan ahead.
META BADGE: Motion. The climate state of your school transportation. Test drive the changes with the calculator.
Emissions of structures. Structures as a source of emissions. Read and answer the multiple-choice questions.
The school building as a part of its time. The century of energy in schools. Read and contemplate.
Different types of school buildings. Diversity of buildings. Research and compare.
Classroom carbon footprint. Purchase minimums for the class. Analyze and challenge the current situation.
Proportions of structures. Impact of climate actions under inspection. Familiarize yourself and put into perspective.
Emissions of the digital leap. Digital upbringing. Estimate the effects of digital development on the climate.
Structural decisions. Changing structures. Choose and map out.
Structural actions. Deliberated change in schools. Plan ahead.
META BADGE: Infrastructure. The climate state of your school’s structures. Test drive the changes with the calculator.
The significance of attitude. The power of the community in lowering emissions. Read and answer the multiple-choice questions.
Rapid change. Crisis enabling change. Compare former and current solutions.
Weak signals. Signals from the future and beyond. Imagine and write down.
Reminiscing about the future. Another kind of world is possible. Sketch out and imagine.
Between the lines. Identity worries and changing the world. Write a constructive response.
The best discussing school. Listening and points of view. Design a dialogue.
The climate attitude of the school. Internal and external communication of the climate. Review and compile.
Actual actions. Less emissions just by talking? Analyze the climate actions and discussions of your school.
Handprint. Making the plans a part of the school’s conventions. Do it yourself or show your actions.
META BADGE: Attitude. Your school’s attitude toward the climate. Test drive the changes with the calculator.
The current state of change. Mapping out the condition of the climate. Sum and summarize the entire system.
The messengers. Who could be collaborated with? Develop together.
SUPER BADGE: School Climate Expert. Climate strengths. Map out the road forward.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DO-IT-YOURSELF-BUT-TOGETHER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Upper Secondary School Edition 2021–2030